Leadership Capacity Building Training for Refugee Councillors in Kiryandongo
At AYAN, we believe and champion leadership development for those on the forefront and those supporting their communities. We think, if South Sudanese refugee leaders understand their important roles in promoting community led peace initiatives and right to participate in national
peace processes and their outcomes, they will be better able to play an active role in helping to secure sustained peace in their villages, communities, settlements and eventually when they return to South Sudan.
To achieve this, Refugee and local host leaders needed to understand their roles, local council laws in order to effectively manage non-violent conflicts and become effective leaders in the Settlements.
AYAN together with KAS Uganda conducted a 2-days capacity strengthening training for 130 Refugee leaders in Kiryandongo Refugee Settlements. The training focused on the RWCs Roles and responsibilities, Conflict Resolution mechanisms, and Tactics on how to lead
A Programme that works with, young people through training as peer educators to conduct peace awareness, open forum workshops, panel discussions, ‘meet your leader’ accountability sessions and organize other methods of community advocacy, focusing on governance, where a key focus is the Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan and its Implementation. Undertaking workshops and advocacy programmes amongst youth in schools, colleges, churches, mosques, barazas to promote national cohesion and respect for diversity. The aim is to harness the voice and positive contribution of young people in the implementation of the ARCSS.
The activities we carry out under this focus area include;
- Dialogue
- Leadership Training
- Youth for peace
- Food Relief